Funding Opportunities
If you don’t know where your community is going, how will you know when you get there?
Planning for the future of your community is crucial to reaching your goals and measuring success.
Let us help you with your community planning needs.
Grant Writing/Administration
We are proud to report that over $10 million dollars in grant and project funds have been raised by the Central Nebraska Economic Development District and Central Nebraska Housing Developers to date for the Central Nebraska region.
Nuisance Code Enforcement
CNEDD provides Third-Party Nuisance Code Enforcement services to communities on fee-for-service basis. This program is being offered in communities across the state by established Economic Development Districts that serve specific regions of the State.
There are a number of policies that communities must adopt and adhere to, to be eligible to receive state and/or federal grants.
Templates are provided for community use and adoption.
Community Success Stories
Our rural communities are realizing the importance of celebrating, and learning from each other. Here, we’ll share how others are Building Community from within.