Council of Officials
CNEDD is governed by a Board of Directors comprised of private citizens, public agencies, and elected officials who represent various economic interests. Each county and community in our 14-county region are eligible to become dues-paying members of the District, and each dues-paying member appoints a representative to serve on the District’s Council of Officials.
The Council of Officials meet twice per year to establish and adopt policies and objectives for the overall operations of the District, to recommend matters to be studied, to review progress of current programs and projects, and represent local, general and special purpose units of governments, boards, agencies, commissions, authorities and public agencies in deliberations of the District.
Governing Board
The CNEDD Governing Board of Directors is elected by the Council of Officials from the voting membership representatives. The CNEDD Governing Board of Directors meet every two months, or more frequently as required. The Governing Board of Directors implement policies and orient work programs adopted by the Council of Officials.

Region One
Blaine, Boyd, Brown, Cherry, Keya Paha, Loup, and Rock Counties
Ed Brown (Long Pine) - Chair
Kristy Beard (Bassett)
Melissa Wenger (Springview)
Region Two
Garfield, Greeley, Holt, Valley, and Wheeler Counties
Alvin Johnson (Arcadia)
Cheye Young (Atkinson)
Kellee Rasmussen (Wheeler County)
Region Three
Custer and Sherman
Cheryl Carson (Arnold) - Vice Chair
Deborah Ritz (Comstock)
Anne Gibbons (Custer County)