SourceLink Nebraska is a statewide platform where anyone can search for nonprofit, education, and government resources related to economic and community development. In other words, SourceLink Nebraska is a one-stop shop for Nebraska entrepreneurs, existing businesses, and resource partners.

SourceLink Nebraska supports Nebraska business development and entrepreneurship by:
- collaborating with business-driven economic development efforts.
- delivering interconnectivity with an array of resource partners.
- virtual one-to-one support system directly to entrepreneurs and business owners.
- identifying gaps in the ecosystem, which will be very beneficial for pinpointing services for underserved communities.
SourceLink Nebraska assists economic and community development by:
- increasing efficiency and allowing for broader statewide strategies for entrepreneurial growth and economic impact.
- ensuring that resources are transparent and available to all local economic and community developers, entrepreneurs, and business owners across Nebraska by allowing for access to information at any time regardless of their distance from a resource.
- incorporating a means of tracking effectiveness and mapping the Nebraska ecosystem to evaluate opportunities for strategic program development.
- enabling tracking inquiries and resource performance, which assists with identifying pockets of inactivity or other issues.